Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 1 of Chronicles

OK let's get this straight. By most standards, I am not really a fatty. But I wanted a funny, self-deprecating way to describe the journey upon which I am about to embark.

First, let's outline the fatgirl mentality:

1) I ran 7 miles today, so I can eat 5,000 calories. No big deal.
2) Queso, sure why not?
3) Danger, Will Robinson:

Despite the fact that I am training for a marathon, I've managed to gain 10 lbs since I moved to this lovely city of San Francisco in November. Yes, I do exercise quite possibly more than any person I know, but manage to pack it on because I am indulging in the bounty of foods this city has to offer. Today, we rise up! This changes! I'm going to slowly ramp myself for the next four days into Making the Cut, an athlete's diet and exercise program written by none other than Jillian Michaels, the trainer from The Biggest Loser. For all of you super-exercisers out there, since I am doing this in public, I have to stick to it. I'll chronicle my results and hopefully by the end of this I can change my blog name to Chronicles of the Regular Erica. Disclaimer: At no point in this process will I reveal my weight, sorry folks. I'll just say how much I'm losing. C'mon now, I'm a girl.


Ronjini said...

Erica, you are my hero and for that. I will also embark on this journey with you. Does this cut out yummy happy hour margaritas and martinis too? :( sigh.

amie said...

No matter how much weight you may or may not gain, you are still my running hero! You've seen me - I am lucky if I can manage a 5k.

Earl said...

man i've been ramping up for a while but if you post yr updates regularly i'll match u as much as i can on this coast. well at least the dieting part maybe not much the running haha.

The Diva of Dining said...

You blog about losing weight, I blog about what I eat. Hmmmm....