Monday, March 24, 2008

Run Fatboy, Run

It starts tonight! I am going shopping for my extensive grocery list of things that I can make for myself and planning out the rest of my week like a really cool person who has absolutely no spare time on her hands.

One thing I saw on TV the other day that a lot of you normal eaters out there (who do not eat enough for a 400 lb truck driver) might find useful is a show called "I Can Make You Thin" on TLC. Paul McKenna, the show's host, talks about four rules that you have to follow in order to be thin. It seems simple but I believe that slowing down may behoove a bunch of us. I will give it a shot. Hey, thanks Paul.

If I'm feeling saucy I'll let you know what I shopped for later. I know you're on the edge of your seat!

My friend Earl offered to match me pound for pound. It's on Earl!

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